FIELD MEANING ------ -------- ARGOS_NO A 5 character code assigned by ARGOS when a instrument is put into operation using Service ARGOS. WMO_NUMBER A 8 character code assigned by the WMO when data from a station is put onto the GTS. UP_DATE The date, as 4 character year, 2 character month and 2 character day, that the data were added to the archive files. As data are reprocessed, this date changes. ACTIVE A single character code indicating if the instrument is routinely reporting data. Values are Y=yes, N=no. PROGRAM_NO This is a 5 character field containing the number used to identify the program under which the data were collected. PI_NAME The name of the principle investigator responsible for the data collection. SOURCE_ID For international programmes, this is the program that collected the data. DEPLOY_PLAT The name of the platform used to deploy the instrument. DEPLOY_PI_NAME The name of the principle investigator deploying the instrument. DUTY_CYCLE The time (days) for a complete data collection cycle. For profiling floats this is the time between surfacing. START_DT The start date and time, as YYYYMMDDHHmm, for data collection. FT_DOWN The time (hours) after the start time that the float sinks. DOWN_TIME The time (days) that the instrument is submerged. RISE_TIME The time (hours) for a instrument to come to the surface. START_LAT The latitude (in decimal degrees) of the position where the instrument was launched. Values are positive north of the equator and negative to the south. START_LONG The longitude (in decimal degrees) of the position where the instrument was launched. Values are positive west of Greenwich and negative to the east. PARK_PRESS The pressure at which the instrument is parked. PROFILE_TRANSIT The direction of the station profiles. Values are A=ascending, D=descending. PROFILE_PRESS The maximum pressure at which profiling begins. Note that for profiling floats this may be different from the park pressure. PROFILE_CYCLE An instrument like a profiling float can be programmed to sample a deeper profile every nth. cycle. So, for 4 consecutive profiles, the sampling is from the parking depth to the surface, but on the 5th. cycle, the float goes to a deeper depth (PROFILE_PRESS) and samples from there. The repetition rate (here = 5) is stored in this variable. MANUFACTURER The name of the manufacturer of the instrument. INSTR_TYPE The type of instrument as identified by the manufacturer. INSTR_SERIAL The serial number of instrument as identified by the manufacturer. POS_AT_DEPTH A flag to indicate that this instrument returns positions while at depth. Use N for no, Y for yes. CONTROLLER_TYPE The type of instrument controller used. CONTROLLER_SERIAL The serial number of the instrument controller used. DISPLACE_VOL The volume (cm**3) displaced by the piston in a profiling float. TRANS_SYSTEM The telecommunications system used. TRANS_FREQUENCY The frequency (in hertz) of transmission from the float. TRANS_REPETITION The lapse of time (in seconds) between two successive repetitions of transmissions from the float. POSITIONING_SYSTEM The positioning system used. DEPLOYMENT_CAST_ID Calibration CTD cast ID taken close in space and time to float deployment.