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CSAS Publications Search Results

7 file(s) found.

Ecosystem Status Reports (2003-2004)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
2004/001 Newfoundland & Labrador
2003 State of the ocean: Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region.
2004/002 Quebec
State of the Ocean 2003: Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
2004/003 Maritimes
2002 State of the Ocean: Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of Maine - Bay of Fundy, Scotian Shelf and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.
2004/004 Maritimes
State of the Ocean 2003: Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Scotian Shelf, Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine.
2004/005 Maritimes
2003 State of the Ocean: Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of Maine - Bay of Fundy, Scotian Shelf and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.
2004/006 National Capital Region
Identification of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas
2004/007 Newfoundland & Labrador
2003 State of the Ocean: Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Newfoundland Region.

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