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CSAS Publications Search Results

50 file(s) found.

Proceedings (1996+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
2004/001 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Regional Advisory Process on Lobster from LFA 25; February 3, 2004.
Chaput, G.
2004/002 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Groundfish Subcommittee. Meeting of; January 21-22, 2004.
Romaine. S.
2004/003 National Capital Region
Proceedings of the National Meeting on Applying the Precautionary Approach in Fisheries Management; February 10-12, 2004.
Vermette, M.
Rice, J.
2004/004 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Benthic Habitat Classification Workshop, Meeting of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process, Maintenance of the Diversity of Ecosystem Types, Benthic Classification and Usage Guidelines for the Scotian-Fundy Area of the Maritimes Region; 6-8 January 2004.
Arbour. J,
2004/005 National Capital Region
National Science Advisory Meeting on Section 73 Permits under the Species at Risk Act; March 8-10, 2004.
Cooper, L.
Rice, J.
2004/006 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; March 16-17, 2004.
Thomas. G,
2004/007 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Habitat Subcommittee Meeting; April 6-7, 2004.
Antcliffe, B.
2004/008 Central & Arctic
Proceedings of the RAP Meeting on Cambridge Bay Arctic Char; March 23-25, 2004.
Tallman, R.F.
2004/009 National Capital Region
Proceedings of the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee St. Andrews, New-Brunswick; ; April 20-23, 2004.
Landry, J.
2004/010 National Capital Region
Science Technology Transfer Workshop - Science Contributions Towards Improving Fish Habitat Management ByWard Market, Ottawa; December 10-11, 2003.
Randall, R.G.
Minns, C.K.
Pratt, T.C.
Smokorowski, K.E.
2004/011 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Regional Advisory Process Meeting on the Level of Allowable Mortality for Leatherback Turtle in Support of Species at Risk; 31 March 2004.
Sinclair, M.M.
2004/012 Newfoundland & Labrador
East and Southeast Newfoundland Atlantic Herring 2004 RAP Proceedings; November 22-23, 2004.
Orr, D.C.
Osborne, D.R.
2004/013 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; May 11, 2004.
Thomas. G,
2004/014 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Peer Review of Snow Crab Stock in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gulf Region; March 3-5, 2004.
Brêthes, J.-C.
2004/015 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Groundfish Subcommittee Meeting; May 18, 2004.
Romaine. S.
2004/016 National Capital Region
Proceedings of the Canadian Marine Ecoregions Workshop; March 23-25 2004.
Powles, H.
Vendette, V.
Siron, R.
O'Boyle, B.
2004/017 Maritimes
Inaugural Meeting of the Canadian Eel Science Working Group; 2-3 December 2003.
Caims, D.K.
Casselman, J.M.
2004/018 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting; June 24, 2004.
Boutillier, J.A.
2004/019 Newfoundland & Labrador
Final Report of the Fisheries Oceanography Committee 2004 Annual Meeting; March 16 - 19, 2004.
Ouellet, P.
2004/020 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Regional Advisory Process Meeting on the Level of Allowable Harm for Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon in Support of Species at Risk; 6 April 2004.
O'Boyle, R.
2004/021 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Peer Review on Groundfish in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence; February 23 and 24, 2004.
Lanteigne, M.
2004/022 Maritimes
Report of the Seal Exclusion Zone Workshop; 11-13 May 2004.
Bowen, W.D.
2004/023 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Snow Crab; 23-24 March 2004.
Lavoie, R.
2004/024   Withdrawn
2004/025 Pacific
Proceedings of the Central Coast Marine Environmental Quality Indicators Workshop; March 10-12, 2004.
Jamieson, G.
McCorquodale, B.
2004/026 National Capital Region
Proceedings of the National Workshop on Collaboration in Fisheries Science; February 17-19 2004.
Gillis, D.
2004/027 Maritimes
Atlantic Halibut Research: Report of Planning Meeting; 24-25 August 2004.
O'Boyle, R.
2004/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Proceedings of Species at Risk Atlantic Zonal Assessment Process - Determination of Allowable Harm for Spotted and Northern Wolffish; May 7, 2004.
Kulka, D.W.
2004/029 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Pelagic Subcommittee Meeting; September 8, 2004
Therriault, T.W.
2004/030 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Pollock Framework Assessment; 1 May 2003; 16-18 June 2003 and 6-8 April 2004.
Stephenson, R.L.
2004/031 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Shrimp Assessment; Via Correspondence; October-November 2004.
O'Boyle, R.
2004/032 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; October 19-20, 2004.
Thomas. G,
2004/033 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritime Provinces Regional Advisory Process 4T/4VWX Herring Stocks; March 23 to 25, 2004.
Morin, R.B.
2004/034 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Regional Advisory Process Meeting on the Level of Allowable Mortality of Atlantic Whitefish in Support of Species at Risk; 23 November 2004.
O'Boyle, R.
2004/035 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting; November 23-24, 2004
Boutillier, J.A.
2004/036 Pacific
Proceedings of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; December 6-7, 2004.
Thomas. G,
2004/037 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process on Scotia-Fundy Groundfish Stocks; 23-24 November 2004.
2004/038 Newfoundland & Labrador
Proceedings of a Workshop on Research into Causes of Recent Low Survival of Atlantic Salmon at Sea - Newfoundland and Labrador Perspective; February 11, 2004.
2004/039 Newfoundland & Labrador
Proceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Advisory Process for 3Ps Cod, 2+3K American Plaice, and 3LNO and 3Ps Monkfish; 20-24 October 2003 and 27-31 October 2003.
2004/040 National Capital Region
Proceedings of the National Peer Review Meeting on the Level of Allowable Harm for Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Cod, Laurentian North Atlantic Cod, Cusk and Bocaccio in Support of Species at Risk; Halifax; October 25-29, 2004.
2004/041 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritimes Region Species at Risk Recovery Team, Meetings of 2003; 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004.
2004/042 National Capital Region
Alternative Ballast Water Exchange Zones; 30 November - 1 December 2004.
2004/043 Newfoundland & Labrador
Proceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador Region Salmonid Stock Assessment Meeting; November 2004.
2004/044 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Workshop on a Decision Support Tool for Stocking of Atlantic Whitefish; 24 November 2004.
2004/045 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Peer Review on Potential Impacts of Seismic Energy on Snow Crab; September 29, 2004.
2004/046 Maritimes
Mitigation for acid rain impacts on Atlantic salmon and their habitat; 19-20 April 2004.
2004/047 National Capital Region
Central & Arctic
Proceedings of a case study review of critical habitat identification for aquatic species-at-risk; December 7-10, 2004.
2004/048 Maritimes
Workshop on the Maintenance of the Diversity of Ecosystem Types: Benthic Community Distributions of the Scotian-Fundy Area; 7-9 December 2004.
2004/049 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process Stock Assessment Update of SPA 1,3,4,5 and 6 Scallop Stocks; 8-9 December 2004.
2004/050 Newfoundland & Labrador
Proceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Advisory Process for Skates in Divisions 3LNO and Subdivision 3Ps; March 12-14, 2003.

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