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CSAS Publications Search Results

171 file(s) found.

Research Documents (1977+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
1998/001 Maritimes
The Status of White Hake (Urophycis tenuis Mitchill) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO Division 4T) in 1997.
Hurlbut, T.
Poirier, G.A.
Chouinard, G.A.
1998/002 Maritimes
Ajustment for diurnal variation in the catchability of witch flounder (Glyptocaphalus cynoglossus L.) to bottom-trawl surveys in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Swain, D.P.
Poirier, G.A.
1998/003 Maritimes
Relative fishing efficiency for witch flounder of vessels and gears used in the August and September bottom trawl surveys in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.
Swain, D.P.
Poirier, G.A.
Morin, R.B.
1998/004 Maritimes
Status of witch flounder in NAFO Division 4RST, January 1998.
Morin, R.B.
Swain, D.P.
Poirier, G.A.
1998/005 Maritimes
An assessment of the conversion factors used in the Div. 4VsW skate fishery.
Simon, J.E.
1998/006 Maritimes
Assessment of 4T American plaice in 1996 and 1997.
Morin, R.B.
Chouinard, G.A.
Forest-Gallant, I.
Poirier, G.A.
1998/007 Quebec
Assessment and biology of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) in 1996 and 1997
Morin, R.B.
Bernier, B.
Albert, E.
1998/008 Maritimes
Assessment of cod in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, January 1998.
Sinclair, A.F.
Chouinard, G.A.
Currie, L.
1998/009 Maritimes
Assessment of Status of 4Vn Cod (May-Oct.): 1997.
Mohn, R.K.
Lambert, T.C.
Wilson, S.
Black, G.A.P.
1998/010 Maritimes
Assessment of the scallop stock in scallop production Area 1, Bay of Fundy.
Roddick, D.L.
Lundy, M.J.
Butler, M.A.E.
Smith, S.J.
1998/011 Newfoundland & Labrador
Year-class strength of northern cod (2J3KL) estimated from pelagic juvenile fish surveys in the Newfoundland region, 1994-1997.
Anderson, J.T.
Dalley, E.L.
Davis, D.J.
1998/012 Newfoundland & Labrador
Update of discarding of cod in the shrimp and cod directed fisheries in NAFO Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L.
Kulka, D.W.
1998/013 Newfoundland & Labrador
Spatial analysis of northern Atlantic cod distributions with respect to bottom temperature and estimation of biomass using potential mapping in SPANS.
Kulka, D.W.
1998/014 Newfoundland & Labrador
Age composition, growth and maturity of cod in inshore waters of Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L as determined from sentinel surveys (1995-1997).
Lilly, G.R.
Brattey, J.
Davis, M.B.
1998/015 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL.
Lilly, G.R.
Shelton, P.A.
Brattey, J.
Cadigan, N.G.
Murphy, E.F.
Stansbury, D.E.
1998/016 Newfoundland & Labrador
Acoustic survey of cod spawning aggregations in Placentia Bay, May 1997.
Rose, G.A.
Lawson, G.L.
1998/017   Withdrawn
1998/018 Quebec
Environmental influences on the productivity of cod stocks: some evidence for the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, and required changes in management practices.
Dutil, J.-D.
Castonguay, M.
Hammill, M.O.
Ouellet, P.
Lambert, Y.
Chabot, D.
Browman, H.
Gilbert, D.
Fréchet, A.
Gagné, J.-A.
Gascon, D.
Savard, L.
1998/019 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps.
Stansbury, D.E.
Shelton, P.A.
Brattey, J.
Lilly, G.R.
Winters, G.H.
Murphy, E.F.
Davis, M.B.
Kulka, D.W.
1998/020 Newfoundland & Labrador
Exploitation rates and population size of cod in Placentia Bay, Subdivision 3Ps: estimates from a new mark-recapture study.
Brattey, J.
Cadigan, N.G.
1998/021 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Redfish in Unit 2 (Laurentian Channel Management Unit).
Power, D.J.
Atkinson, D.B.
1998/022 Newfoundland & Labrador
Comparative Analysis of 1995, 1996, and 1997 Sentinel Data with Interpretative Information from Fish Harvesters, 3Ps.
Jarvis, H.
1998/023 Newfoundland & Labrador
Age composition, growth and maturity of cod in inshore waters of 3Ps as determined from sentinel surveys.
Lilly, G.R.
Brattey, J.
Davis, M.B.
1998/024 Newfoundland & Labrador
Size and age based post-spawning dispersion patterns of cod tagged in Placentia Bay.
Lawson, G.L.
Rose, G.A.
Brattey, J.
1998/025 Newfoundland & Labrador
Semi-parametric inferences about fish stock size using sequential population analysis (SPA) and quasi-lilelihood theory.
Cadigan, N.G.
1998/026 Newfoundland & Labrador
Distribution and abundance of Atlantic cod from an acoustic survey of Fortune Bay, Newfoundland during the winter of 1997.
Wheeler, J.P.
1998/027 Newfoundland & Labrador
Acoustic surveys for cod in the Trinity bay and Bonavista Bay (NAFO Div. 3L) during spring 1997.
Porter, D.R.
Brattey, J.
Anderson, J.
1998/028 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic Salmon in Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1997.
Dempson, J.B.
Furey, G.
Bloom, M.
1998/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Oceanographic conditions in the Newfoundland region during 1997.
Colbourne, E.B.
1998/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of southwest New Brunswick, 1996.
Marshall, T.L.
Harvie, C.J.
Jones, R.A.
1998/031 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island.
Marshall, T.L.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Rutherford, K.A.
Jones, R.A.
1998/032 Maritimes
Update of the status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Richibucto River in 1997.
Atkinson, G.
Cormier, G.
1998/033 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Bouctouche River in 1997.
Atkinson, G.
LeBlanc, V.
1998/034 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1997.
Chaput, G.
Moore, D.
Hayward, J.
Ginnish, C.
Dube, B.
1998/035 Maritimes
Status of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1997.
Bradford, R.G.
Chaput, G.
1998/036   Withdrawn
1998/037 Maritimes
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, Salmon Fishing Area 20, in 1997.
O'Neil, S.F.
Harvie, C.J.
Longard, D.A.
1998/038 Quebec
Possible effects of changes in CIL temperature and thickness on population dynamics of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.
Sainte-Marie, B.
Gilbert, D.
1998/039 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Salmon Fishing Area 21, in 1997, with emphasis on the upper LaHave River, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia.
Amiro, P.G.
Jefferson, E.M.
1998/040   Withdrawn
1998/041 Maritimes
Update on the Status of NAFO Subarea 3-6 porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus).
O'Boyle, R.N.
Fowler, G.M.
Hurley, P.
Showell, M.A.
1998/042 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon in Restigouche River in 1997.
Locke, A.
1998/043 Maritimes
Nepisiguit and Jacquet River salmon for 1997.
Locke, A.
1998/044 Pacific
Run size forecasts for Fraser River sockeye salmon in 1998.
Cass, A.
1998/045 Maritimes
Recruitment of the North American stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) relative to annual indices of smolt production and winter habitat in the northwest Atlantic.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/046 Maritimes
Analyses of trends in returns of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to rivers in Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, and status of 1997 returns relative to forecasts.
Amiro, P.G.
Harvie, C.J.
O'Neil, S.F.
Marshall, T.L.
1998/047 Maritimes
Assessment of the NAFO Division 4T Atlantic herring stock, 1997.
Claytor, R.R.
LeBlanc, C.
MacDougall, C.J.
Poirier, G.A.
1998/048 Maritimes
Decision rules for the 4Vn overwintering herring fishery.
Claytor, R.R.
LeBlanc, C.
1998/049 Newfoundland & Labrador
Distribution and abundance of Atlantic cod from the 1997 Division 3KL inshore acoustic survey.
Anderson, J.P.
Brattey, J.
Colbourne, E.B.
Miller, D.S.
Porter, D.R.
Stevens, C.R.
Wheeler, J.P.
1998/050 Maritimes
Physical oceanographic conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the Gulf of Maine during 1997.
Drinkwater, K.F.
Pettipas, R.G.
Petrie, L.
1998/051 Maritimes
Overview of meteorological and sea ice conditions off Eastern Canada during 1997.
Drinkwater, K.F.
Pettipas, R.G.
Petrie, L.
1998/052 Maritimes
1998 evaluation of 4VWX herring.
Stephenson, R.L.
Power, M.J.
Clark, K.J.
Melvin, G.D.
Fife, F.J.
Paul, S.D.
1998/053 Maritimes
An evaluation of the Emerald/Western Bank juvenile haddock closed area.
Frank, K.
Simon, J.E.
1998/054 Maritimes
Preliminary Stock Survey of the Ocean Quahaug (Arctica islandica) in St. Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia.
Duggan, R.E.
Kenchington, E.L.R.
Smith, S.J.
McLane, J.T.
1998/055 Maritimes
Stock composition of cod aggregations near the mouth of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in January 1996 based on an analysis of otolith elemental fingerprints
Campana, S.E.
Chouinard, G.A.
Hanson, J.M.
Fréchet, A.
Brattey, J.
1998/056 Maritimes
Temperature conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the Scotian Shelf during 1997 relevant to snow crab.
Drinkwater, K.F.
1998/057 Maritimes
Area of ice over the Newfounland Shelf as a variable to reduce the variance of inseason forecasts of Atlantic salmon at Morgan Falls, LaHave River.
Harvie, C.J.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/058 Maritimes
Shifts in fishing effort, commercial landings, and resource distribution of groundfish in NAFO Div. 4X.
Clark, D.S.
Neilson, J.D.
Hurley, P.
Perley, P.
Fowler, M.
1998/059 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of the food fishery for cod in NAFO Division 3Ps in 1997 with comparison to 1994 and 1996.
Inkpen, T.
Kulka, D.W.
1998/060 Newfoundland & Labrador
SPANdex - SPANS geographic information system process manual for creation of biomass indices and distributions using potential mapping (p.28)
Kulka, D.W.
1998/061 Newfoundland & Labrador
description of the 1997 Atlantic cod fishery in NAFO Division 3Ps from port sampling and fishery observer records with a comparison to the sentinel and food fisheries (p.43)
Kulka, D.W.
Inkpen, T.
1998/062 Maritimes
Estimates of wild Atlantic salmon smolt production in Gold and Medway Rivers derived from concurrent abundance and survival of wild and hatchery smolts in LaHave River, 1996.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/063 Newfoundland & Labrador
Capelin in SA2 + Div. 3KL.
1998/064 Newfoundland & Labrador
Considerations on the demise or otherwise of Northern cod.
Winters, G.H.
Brattey, J.
1998/065   Withdrawn
1998/066 Maritimes
Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank
Gavaris, S.
VanEeckhaute, L.
1998/067 Maritimes
1998 Assessment of Georges Bank (5Zjmhn) yellowtail flounder
Neilson, J.D.
Cadrian, S.X.
1998/068 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of biases associated with inshore acoustic cod surveys.
Rose, G.A.
1998/069 Maritimes
Georges Bank scallop stock assessment -1997
Robert, G.
Butler, M.A.E.
Smith, S.J.
1998/070 Maritimes
Brown's Bank North scallop stock assessment - 1997
Robert, G.
Butler, M.A.E.
1998/071 Maritimes
Survey of sea scallop abundance and distribution in western Northumberland Strait (SFA 22, June 1997)
Hanson, J.M.
1998/072 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) resources in areas off Baffin Island, Labrador, and northeastern Newfoundland - Interim review
Parsons, D.G.
Veitch, P.J.
1998/073 Quebec
État des stocks de pétoncle des eaux côtières du Québec.  
Giguère, M.
Brulotte, S.
Goudreau, P.
1998/074 Newfoundland & Labrador
Quality of Newfoundland Region cod age determination.
Hicks, H.F.
Ennis, R.
Cossitt, C.
Hiscock, C.
1998/075 Newfoundland & Labrador
Catch at age of 2J3KL cod in the diet of harp seals.
Stansbury, D.E.
Shelton, P.A.
Stenson, G.B.
Sjare, B.
Lilly, G.R.
1998/076 Newfoundland & Labrador
Size-at-age and condition of cod in Divisions 2J+3KL during 1978-1997.
Lilly, G.R.
1998/077 Newfoundland & Labrador
Results of the 1997 Fleming survey of demersal juvenile cod in the coastal zone of eastern Newfoundland.
Methven, D.A.
Schneider, D.C.
Ings, D.W.
Davis, M.B.
1998/078 Maritimes
Assessment of 4VsW cod in 1997 incorporating additional sources of mortality.
Mohn, R.K.
Fanning, L.P.
MacEachern, W.J.
1998/079 Maritimes
Scallop production area 3: 1997 stock assessment (Brier Island and Lurcher Shoal).
Kenchington, E.L.R.
Lundy, M.J.
1998/080 Maritimes
The status of the herring in the Bras D'Or Lakes in 1996-1997.
Denny, S.
Clark, K.J.
Power, M.J.
Stephenson, R.L.
1998/081 Maritimes
Quantitative acoustic surveys of 4WX herring in 1997.
Melvin, G.D.
Clark, K.J.
Fife, F.J.
Power, M.J.
Paul, S.D.
Stephenson, R.L.
1998/082 Maritimes
Fleet activity in the 1997 4WX herring fishery.
Paul, S.D.
1998/083 Maritimes
The Gully: A Scientific Review of its Environment and Ecosystem.
Harrison, W.G.
Fenton, D.G.
1998/084 Maritimes
The abundance of seals in the North Atlantic and recruitment of the North American stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Amiro, P.G.
1998/085 Maritimes
Logistic fates of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at sea.
Amiro, P.G.
O'Neil, S.F.
1998/086 Pacific
Assessment of the Area A crab (Cancer magister) fishery in British Columbia.
Boutillier, J.A.
Butler, T.H.
Bond, J.A.
Winther, I.
Phillips, A.C.
1998/087 Pacific
Fisheries biology of the giant Pacific octopus, (Octopus dofleini) (Wulker, 1910), with a discussion of octopus fisheries in British Columbia.
Gillespie, G.E.
Parker, G.
Morrison, J.
1998/088 Pacific
A review of the biology and fisheries of horse clams (Tresus capax and Tresus nuttallii).
Lauzier, R.B.
Hand, C.M.
Campbell, A.
Heizer, S.
1998/089 Pacific
Survey of the Northern abalone, (Haliotis kamschatkana), in the central coast of British Columbia, May 1997.
Campbell, A.
Winther, I.
Adkins, B.
Brouwer, D.
Miller, D.
1998/090 Pacific
Decrease in percentage of wild chinook salmon entering the Strait of Georgia in 1996
Zhang, Z.
Beamish, R.J.
Riddell, B.E.
1998/091 Pacific
Rivers Inlet Sockeye Salmon: Stock Status Update.
Rutherford, D.T.
Wood, C.C.
McKinnell, S.
1998/092 Pacific
A risk assessment for Thompson River coho salmon.
Bradford, M.J.
1998/093 Pacific
Estimating the percentage of hatchery-reared juvenile coho salmon in the Strait of Georgia in 1997.
Beamish, R.J.
Sweeting, R.
Zhang, Z.
1998/094 Newfoundland & Labrador
Size-at-age and condition of cod in Subdivision 3Ps in 1972-1997.
Lilly, G.R.
1998/095 Maritimes
1997 assessment of snow crab Chionoecetes opilio stock in the southern Gulf of St.Lawrence (Areas 12-25/26, 18, 19, and zones E and F).
Hébert, M.E.
Wade, E.J.
DeGrâce, P.
Hébert, A.
Biron, M.
Moriyasu, M.
1998/096 Maritimes
Hydroacoustic calibration techniques used for southern Gulf of St. Lawrence herring fishing vessels - 1997.
Clay, A.
Claytor, R.R.
1998/097 Maritimes
Area assessment methods for 4T fall spawning herring.
Claytor, R.R.
Clay, A.
LeBlanc, C.
1998/098 Quebec
The 1997 Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus L.) Fishery in NAFO Subareas 2 to 6.
Grégoire, F.
Gilbert, D.
1998/099 Newfoundland & Labrador
To what extent does catch and release contribute to mortality in Atlantic salmon.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
O'Connell, M.F.
1998/100 Newfoundland & Labrador
Northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon: catch and effort update for 1997.
Shears, M.
Dempson, J.B.
1998/101 Maritimes
Assessment of the 1997 snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fisheries off eastern Nova Scotia (Areas 20 to 24 (and4X)), Canada.
Biron, M.
Moriyasu, M.
Wade, E.J.
DeGrâce, P.
Campbell, R.
Hébert, M.E.
1998/102 Quebec
État des populations de crevettes nordiques (Pandalus borealis) de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent (divisions 4RST de l'OPANO)  
Lambert, J.-D.
Bouchard, H.
Savard, L.
1998/103 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Campbelton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland in 1997.
Downton, P.R.
Reddin, D.G.
1998/104 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1997.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1998/105 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of three selected rivers in SFA 14A, Newfoundland, 1997.
Mullins, C.C.
1998/106 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Humber River, Newfoundland, 1997.
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
1998/107 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 1997.
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Mullins, C.C.
Reddin, D.G.
Cochrane, N.M.
Caines, D.
1998/108 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Indian Bay Brook, Middle Brook, and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Northeast Brook, Trepassey (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, 1997.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
Walsh, A.D.
1998/109 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1997.
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
Walsh, A.D.
1998/110 Newfoundland & Labrador
Update on the status of Redfish in Division 3O.
Power, D.J.
Atkinson, D.B.
1998/111 Newfoundland & Labrador
An Analysis of the Results of the License Stub Return System in the Newfoundland Region, 1994-97.
O'Connell, M.F.
Cochrane, N.M.
Mullins, C.C.
1998/112 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Crabbes, Robinsons and Middle Barachois Rivers, Bay St. George, Newfoundland, 1997.
Porter, T.R.
Bourgeois, C.E.
1998/113 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Highlands River, Bay St. George (SFA 13), Newfoundland in 1997
Reddin, D.G.
Whalen, R.R.
1998/114 Newfoundland & Labrador
Spatial and temporal variation in Atlantic salmon abundance in the Newfoundland-Labrador region with emphasis on factors that may have contributed to low returns in 1997.
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
O'Connell, M.F.
Helbig, J.
Bourgeois, C.E.
Mullins, C.C.
Porter, T.R.
Lilly, G.R.
Carscadden, J.E.
Stenson, G.B.
Kulka, D.W.
1998/115 Maritimes
Overview of coastal environmental conditions in 1997.
Petrie, B.D.
1998/116 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Pinware River, Labrador, 1997
Mullins, C.C.
Caines, D.
1998/117 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Rocky and Little rivers Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1997
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
Mercer, V.L.
1998/118 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in Labrador, 1997
Reddin, D.G.
Mullins, C.C.
O'Connell, M.F.
Cochrane, N.M.
1998/119 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Big Brook (Michaels River), Labrador, 1997.
Reddin, D.G.
Short, P.B.
1998/120 Maritimes
Marine environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic during 1997 potentially impacting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Drinkwater, K.F.
1998/121 Newfoundland & Labrador
Plankton and Nekton of the Northeast Newfoundland shelf and Grand Banks in 1997.
Dalley, E.L.
Anderson, J.T.
Davis, D.J.
1998/122 Newfoundland & Labrador
Observations of temporal and spatial variability in density and relative condition factor of Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Harry's River drainage system, insular Newfoundland, from 1987-1997.
Knoechel, R.
FitzGerald, J.L.
Mullins, C.C.
1998/123 Maritimes
The American Lobster, Homarus americanus, in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Lobster Fishing Areas 23, 24, 25, 2A and 26B).
Lanteigne, M.
Comeau, M.
Mallet, M.
Robichaud, G.
Savoie, F.
1998/124 Maritimes
Eastern Cape Breton Lobster (LFA 27-30): stock status and egg per recruit estimates.
Tremblay, M.J.
Eagles, M.D.
1998/125 Pacific
Framework for a Tanner Crab (Chionoecetes tanneri and C. angulatus) fishery in waters off the West Coast of Canada.
Boutillier, J.A.
Lauzier, R.B.
Phillips, A.C.
Barton, L.L.
1998/126 Newfoundland & Labrador
Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar L.) abundance in the Experimental Ponds Area relative to adult returns to the Gander River as an index of marine survival: evidence for increased marine mortality in 1997.
Knoechel, R.
Ryan, P.M.
O'Connell, M.F.
1998/127 Quebec
Assessment of the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock (3Pn, 4RS) in 1997.
Fréchet, A.
Schwab, P.
1998/128 Maritimes
SPA 4 scallop stock assessment: survey update and stock status.
Smith, S.J.
Lundy, M.J.
1998/129 Maritimes
Evaluation of the possibility for effort increase in eastern Nova Scotia snow crab fishing Areas 23 and 24.
Biron, M.
Wade, E.J.
Moriyasu, M.
1998/130 Maritimes
State of Zooplankton on the Scotian Shelf, 1997.
Sameoto, D.D.
Cochrane, N.M.
Herman, A.
Head, E.J.H.
Kennedy, M.K.
1998/131 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Thorny skate (Raja radiata), a non-traditional species in NAFO Divisions 3L, 3N, 3O and Subdivision 3Ps.
Kulka, D.W.
Mowbray, F.K.
1998/132 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of White Hake (Urophysis tenuis), a non-traditional species in NAFO Divisions 3L, 3N, 3O and Subdivision 3Ps.
Kulka, D.W.
Mowbray, F.K.
1998/133 Maritimes
1998 Summer Groundfish Survey update for selected Scotia-Fundy groundfish stocks.
Branton, R.M.
Black, J.
1998/134   Withdrawn
1998/135 Maritimes
Assessment of Cod in Division 4X in 1998.
Clark, D.S.
1998/136 Maritimes
Assessment of 4X Haddock in 1997 and the first half of 1998.
Hurley, P.C.F.
Black, G.A.P.
Comeau, P.A.
Mohn, R.K.
1998/137 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab in 1997.
Dawe, E.G.
Kulka, D.W.
Drew, H.J.
Beck, P.C.
Veitch, P.J.
1998/138 Maritimes
Update on the status of Unit 3 redfish: 1998.
Branton, R.M.
1998/139 Maritimes
Effects of Scotian Shelf Small Mesh Gear Fishery Regulations on the catch rate of silver hake and bycatch rates of cod, haddock and pollock in the period 1983-98.
Branton, R.M.
1998/140 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the 1997 Newfoundland and Labrador Snow Crab Fishery.
Taylor, D.M.
O'Keefe, P.G.
1998/141 Maritimes
Assessment of the Scotian Shelf silver hake population in 1997, with projection of yield to 1999.
Showell, M.A.
1998/142 Maritimes
Preliminary results from the September 1998 groundfish survey in the southern gulf of St. Lawrence.
Chouinard, G.A.
Poirier, G.A.
Swain, D.P.
Hurlbut, T.
Morin, R.B.
1998/143 Maritimes
4VWX and 5 white hake 1998 stock assessment.
Fowler, G.M.
1998/144 Maritimes
The 1998 Assessment of Pollock (Pollachius virens) in NAFO Divisions 4VWX and Subdivision 5Zc.
Neilson, J.D.
Perley, P.
Nelson, C.
1998/145 Maritimes
Assessment of the Winter Skate Fishery In Division 4VsW.
Simon, J.E.
Frank, K.
1998/146 Pacific
Quota options and recommendations for the 1999 and 2000 geoduck clam fisheries.
Hand, C.M.
Vaughan, B.G.
Heizer, S.
1998/147 Maritimes
The analysis of 1997 small salmon returns to Newfoundland rivers using distributional testing.
Power, M.J.
1998/148 Newfoundland & Labrador
Medium-to-Long Term Sustainability Threatened in the 4R Fishery for the Iceland Scallop.
Naidu, K.S.
Cahill, F.M.
Seward, E.M.
1998/149 Newfoundland & Labrador
The Iceland Scallop: A Fishery Under Siege in Newfoundland.
Naidu, K.S.
Kahill, F.M.
Seward, E.M.
1998/150 Maritimes
The Scotian Shelf Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery in 1998.
Koeller, P.A.
Covey, M.
King, M.
Smith, S.J.
1998/151 Maritimes
The salmon farming industry in the Maritimes Provinces
Chang, B.D.
1998/152 Maritimes
A description of the salmon aquaculture industry in Maine
Baum, E.
1998/153 Maritimes
Status of wild salmon (Salmo salar) stocks in the Maritime Provinces.
Chaput, G.
1998/154   Withdrawn
1998/155   Withdrawn
1998/156 Maritimes
Genetic impacts on wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of escaped farm conspecifics: An assessment of risk.
Verspoor, E.
1998/157 Maritimes
East Coast Salmon Aquaculture Breeding Programs: History and Future.
Glebe, B.
1998/158 Maritimes
Genetic introgression of the domestic Atlantic salmon genome into wild populations: a simulation of requirements for conservation.
Lacroix, G.L.
Korman, J.
Heath, D.D.
1998/159 Maritimes
A review of potential impacts on wild salmon stocks from fish diseases attributed to farmed salmon operations.
Olivier, G.
MacKinnon, A.-M.
1998/160 Maritimes
Overview of salmonid fish diseases and parasites in both the salmonid aquaculture industry and in wild salmon populations.
MacKinnon, A.-M.
Campbell, M.
Olivier, G.
1998/161 Maritimes
A review of the potential effects of sea lice infestation among aquaculture salmon on wild salmon.
McVicar, A.H.
1998/162 Maritimes
Ecological and behavioural interactions between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon: consequences for wild salmon in the Maritimes region.
Lacroix, G.L.
Fleming, I.
1998/163 Maritimes
An assessment of the possible impact of salmon aquaculture on Inner Bay of Fundy salmon stocks.
Amiro, P.G.
1998/164 Maritimes
A review of existing conventions, regulations and policies pertaining to the control and minimization of negative impacts from aquaculture on wild salmon stocks.
Porter, T.R.
Carey, T.
Harris, D.
Coombs, K.
1998/165   Withdrawn
1998/166 Maritimes
Use of triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for aquaculture.
Benfey, T.
1998/167 Maritimes
Options for controlling disease and improving health in farmed salmon, as a means of reducing risks posed by escapees.
McVicar, A.H.
1998/168 Pacific
Factors Affecting the Health of Farmed and Wild Fish Populations: A Perspective from British Columbia.
St.-Hilaire, S.
Kent, M.
Iwama, G.
1998/169 Maritimes
A review and assessment of mitigative measures to eliminate or minimize potential impacts of farmed salmon operations on wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks.
Ritter, J.A.
1998/170 Maritimes
The Possible Environmental Impacts of Petroleum Exploration Activities on the Georges Bank Ecosystem
Boudreau, P.R.
1998/171 Pacific
Trends in coho marine survival in relation to the regime concept.
Beamish, R.J.
Noakes, D.
McFarlane, G.A.
Pinnix, W.
Sweeting, R.
King, J.
Folkes, M.

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