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CSAS Publications Search Results

137 file(s) found.

Research Documents (1977+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
2013/001 Pacific
Assessing potential benthic habitat impacts of small-scale, intertidal aquaculture of the geoduck clam (Panopea generosa)
Sauchyn, L.
Pearce, C.M.
Blackburn, J.
Keddy, L.
Williams, S.
2013/002 Quebec
Update of the estimation of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) biomass and abundance from the trawl survey in the Estuary and the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2012
Savard, L.
Bourdages, H.
2013/003 Quebec
Update of the northern shrimp Pandalus borealis commercial fishery indices in the Estuary and the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2012
Savard, L.
2013/004 Maritimes
Scallop Production Areas in the Bay of Fundy: Stock Status for 2012 and Forecast for 2013
Nasmith, L.
Hubley, B.
Smith, S.J.
Glass, A.
2013/005 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Southern Upland Atlantic Salmon: Status, Past and Present Abundance, Life History and Trends
Bowlby, H.D.
Gibson, A.J.F.
Levy, A.
2013/006 Maritimes
Recovery Potential Assessment for Southern Upland Atlantic Salmon: Habitat Requirements and Availability, Threats to Populations, and Feasibility of Habitat Restoration
Bowlby, H.D.
Horsman, T.
Mitchell, S.C.
Gibson, A.J.F.
2013/007 Maritimes
Precautionary Approach Reference Points for Arctic Surfclams (Mactromeris polynyma)
Roddick, D.
2013/008 Maritimes
Silver Hake 2012 Framework Assessment: Data Inputs and Exploratory Modelling
Stone, H.H.
Themelis, D.
Cook, A.M.
Clark, D.S.
Showell, M.A.
Young, G.A.
Gross, W.E.
Comeau, P.A.
Allade, L.A.
2013/009 Maritimes
Bayesian State Space Biomass Dynamic Modelling and Assessment of 4VWX Silver Hake 1993-2012
Cook, A.M.
2013/010 Quebec
Update of bycatch in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence Northern shrimp fishery in 2012
Savard, L.
2013/011 Central & Arctic
Updated stock-dynamic model for the Northern Hudson Bay narwhal population based on 1982-2011 aerial surveys
Kingsley, M.C.S.
Asselin, N.C.
Ferguson, S.H.
2013/012 Newfoundland & Labrador
Sentinel Surveys 1995-2011: Catch per Unit Effort in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps
Maddock Parsons, D.
2013/013 Central & Arctic
Recovery Potential Modelling of Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus) in Canada
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/014 Central & Arctic
Information in Support of a Recovery Potential Assessment of Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus)
Watkinson, D.A.
Sawatzky, C.D.
2013/015 Central & Arctic
Recovery potential modelling of Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in Ontario
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/016 National Capital Region
Abundance estimate of eastern Hudson Bay beluga and James Bay, summer 2011
Gosselin, J.-F.
Doniol-Valcroze, T.
Hammill, M.O.
2013/017 Central & Arctic
Results of Foxe Basin walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) surveys: 2010-2011
Stewart, R.E.A.
Hamilton, J.W.
Dunn, J.B.
2013/018 Central & Arctic
Information to support the Qasigiyat Arctic Char Assessment
Martin, Z.
Tallman, R.F.
2013/019 Central & Arctic
A re-analysis of northern Hudson Bay narwhal surveys conducted in 1982, 2000, and 2011
Asselin, N.C.
Ferguson, S.H.
2013/020 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a Recovery Potential Assessment of Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in Ontario
McCulloch, B.R.
Bouvier, L.D.
Mandrak, N.E.
2013/021 Maritimes
Long-term Changes in Grey Seal Vital Rates at Sable Island Estimated from POPAN Mark-resighting Analysis of Branded Seals
den Heyer, C.E.
Bowen, W.D.
McMillan, J.I.
2013/022 Central & Arctic
Recovery Potential Modelling of Hickorynut (Obovaria olivaria) in Canada
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/023 Quebec
Capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO Divisions 4RST) in 2012
Grégoire, F.
Girard, L.
Beaulieu, J.-L.
Lussier, J.-F.
Bruneau, B.
2013/024 Gulf
Pre-COSEWIC Review of White Hake (Urophysis tenuis) for the Maritimes Region
Simon, J.
Cook, A.
2013/025 Quebec
Update of data from the Saguenay Fjord winter recreational groundfish fishery from 1996 to 2012
Gauthier, J.
Desgagnés, M.
Bourdages, H.
2013/026 Quebec
Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2012
Galbraith, P.S.
Chassé, J.
Larouche, P.
Gilbert, D.
Brickman, D.
Pettigrew, B.
Devine, L.
Lafleur, C.
2013/027 National Capital Region
A National Synthesis of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ecosystem Research Initiative
White, A.L.
Perry, R.I.
Koops, M.A.
Randall, R.G.
Bundy, A.
Lawton, P.
Koen-Alonso, M.
Masson, D.
Galbraith, P.S.
Lebeuf, M.
Lanteigne, M.
Hoover, C.
2013/028 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a recovery potential assessment of Mountain Sucker (Catostomus platyrhynchus), Milk River populations (Designatable Unit 2)
Boguski, D.A.
Watkinson, D.A.
2013/029 Central & Arctic
Recovery potential modelling of Mountain Sucker (Catostomus platyrhynchus), Milk River populations
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/030 Quebec
Newfoundland & Labrador
A Discussion of the Precautionary Approach and its Application to Atlantic Seals
Hammill, M.O.
Stenson, G.B.
2013/031 National Capital Region
Central & Arctic
Estimating total allowable removals for walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in Nunavut using the potential biological removal approach
Stewart, R.
Hamilton, J.W.
2013/032 Pacific
State of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2012
Irvine, J.R.
Crawford, W.R.
2013/033 Maritimes
Scotian Shelf Shrimp 2011-2012
Hardie, D.
Covey, M.
King, M.
Zisserson, B.
2013/034 Maritimes
Scotian Shelf Shrimp 2012-2013
Hardie, D.
Covey, M.
King, M.
2013/035 Quebec
Results of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) egg surveys conducted in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence from 2008 to 2011
Grégoire, F.
Gendron, M.-H.
Beaulieu, J.-L.
Lévesque, I.
2013/036 Newfoundland & Labrador
Attitudes and Management Preferences of Anglers Fishing for Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, on the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Perry, R.C.
Keefe, D.G.
Penney, W.
2013/037 Quebec
Recovery Potential Assessment for Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) St. Lawrence Population: Habitat and Threats
Dubé, S.
2013/038 Maritimes
Biology, Status, and Recovery Potential of Northern Bottlenose Whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
Harris, L.E.
Gross, W.E.
Emery, P.E.
2013/039 Newfoundland & Labrador
An Assessment of Newfoundland East and South Coast Herring Stocks to the Spring of 2011
Bourne, C.
Mowbray, F.
Squires, B.
Croft, J.
2013/040 Newfoundland & Labrador
Recent spring offshore acoustic survey results for capelin, Mallotus villosus, in NAFO Division 3L
Mowbray, F.K.
2013/041 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a recovery potential assessment of Hickorynut (Obovaria olivaria) in Canada
Bouvier, L.D.
Paquet, A.
Morris, T.J.
2013/042 Maritimes
Information to Support Assessment of Stock Status of Commercially Harvested Species of Marine Plants in Nova Scotia: Irish Moss, Rockweed and Kelp
Vandermeulen, H.
2013/043 Central & Arctic
Relative Risk Assessment for ship-mediated introductions of aquatic nonindigenous species to the Pacific Region of Canada
Linley, R.D.
Doolittle, A.G.
Chan, F.T.
O'Neil, J.
Sutherland, T.
Bailey, S.A.
2013/044 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a recovery potential assessment of Plains Minnow (Hybognathus placitus) in Canada
Sawatzky, C.D.
Watkinson, D.A.
2013/045 Central & Arctic
Recovery Potential Modelling of Plains Minnow (Hybognathus placitus) in Canada
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/046 Central & Arctic
Genetic differentiation and origin of the Shortjaw Cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in the Great Lakes and other inland Canadian lakes
Turgeon, J.
Bourret, A.
2013/047 Central & Arctic
Morphology and life history of the Great Slave Lake ciscoes (Salmoniformes: Coregoninae)
Muir, A.M.
Vecsei, P.
Power, M.
Krueger, C.C.
Reist, J.D.
2013/048 National Capital Region
International Approaches to Characterizing Marine Seascapes to Achieve Representativity in MPA Network Design
Sheppard, V.
2013/049 Quebec
The Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in NAFO Subareas 3 and 4 in 2011
Grégoire, F.
Beaulieu, J.-L.
Gendron, M.-H.
Lévesque, I.
2013/050 National Capital Region
A review of potential environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides to treat Atlantic salmon against infestations of sea lice in southwest New Brunswick, Canada
Burridge, L.
2013/051 Newfoundland & Labrador
Optical, chemical, and biological oceanographic conditions on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf during 2011-12
Pepin, P.
Maillet, G.
Fraser, S.
Shears, T.
Redmond, G.
2013/052 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the physical oceanographic environment on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf during 2012
Colbourne, E.
Craig, J.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Senciall, D.
Stead, P.
Bailey, W.
2013/053 Newfoundland & Labrador
An evaluation of growth models for predicting 2J3KL cod stock weights-at-age
Cadigan, N.
2013/054 Newfoundland & Labrador
Update of SURBA+ for 2J3KL cod
Cadigan, N.
2013/055 Newfoundland & Labrador
The February 2013 assessment of Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off Labrador and Northeastern Newfoundland
Orr, D.
Sullivan, D.J.
2013/056 Newfoundland & Labrador
Feeding habits and trophic niche differentiation in three species of wolffish (Anarhichas sp.) inhabiting Newfoundland and Labrador waters
Simpson, M.R.
Sherwood, G.D.
Mello, L.G.S.
Miri, C.M.
Kulka, D.W.
2013/057 Quebec
Assessment of Rock crab (Cancer irroratus) stock status in the coastal waters of Québec in 2012
Gendron, L.
Savard, G.
2013/058 Maritimes
Meteorological, Sea Ice and Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the Gulf of Maine during 2012
Hebert, D.
Pettipas, R.
Brickman, D.
Dever, M.
2013/059 Central & Arctic
Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma malma) from the Big Fish River: abundance estimates, effective population size, biological characteristics, and contribution to the coastal mixed-stock fishery
Gallagher, C.P.
Howland, K.L.
Harris, L.N.
Bajno, R.
Sandstrom, S.
Loewen, T.
Reist, J.
2013/060 National Capital Region
Application of a Freshwater Mollusc Risk Assessment to Non-indigenous Organisms in Trade in Canada
Schroeder, B.
Mandrak, N.E.
Cudmore, B.C.
2013/061 Central & Arctic
Recovery potential modelling of Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.), Eastslope populations, in Alberta
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/062 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a recovery potential assessment of Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.), Eastslope populations, in Alberta
Watkinson, D.A.
Boguski, D.A.
2013/063 Central & Arctic
The biology and relative abundance of Shortjaw Cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in Lake Nipigon
Pratt, T.C.
2013/064 Maritimes
Marine Protected Area Network Planning in the Scotian Shelf Bioregion: Offshore Data Considerations
King, M.
Shackell, N.
Greenlaw, M.E.
Allard, K.
Fenton, D.G.
2013/065 Maritimes
Identification and Review of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas in the Bay of Fundy
Buzeta, M.-I.
2013/066 Maritimes
Considerations for Marine Protected Area network planning on the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia with a focus on the identification of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas
Gromack, A.G.
Allard, K.
2013/067 Pacific
A framework for assessing fisheries productivity for the Fisheries Protection Program
Bradford, M.J.
Randall, R.G.
Keatley, B.E.
Clarke, K.D.
Smokorowski, K.S.
2013/068 Central & Arctic
Information to support an updated stock status of commercially harvested Arctic Char in the Cambridge Bay region of Nunavut, 1960-2009
Day, A.C.
Harris, L.N.
2013/069 Central & Arctic
Assessment of the winter range of Baffin Bay narwhals
Richard, P.R.
Treble, M.A.
LeBlanc, B.
2013/070 Maritimes
Optical, chemical, and biological oceanographic conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the eastern Gulf of Maine in 2012
Johnson, C.
Harrison, G.
Cassault, B.
Spry, J.
Li, W.K.W.
Head, E.
2013/071 Maritimes
Inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Marine Habitat: Proposal for Important Habitat
Marshall, T.L.
2013/072 Maritimes
Assessment of Scotian Shelf Snow Crab in 2012
Choi, J.S.
Zisserson, B.M.
Cameron, B.J.
2013/073 National Capital Region
Review and analysis of key international approaches to establish conservation objectives, identify indicators and develop monitoring protocols that evaluate the effectiveness of Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks
Jamieson, G.S.
2013/074 Pacific
Effects of Sediment on Glass Sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida) and projected effects on Glass Sponge Reefs
Leys, S.P.
2013/075 Pacific
The extent and nature of exposure to fishery induced remobilized sediment on the Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound glass sponge reef
Boutillier, J.
Masson, D.
Fain, I.
Conway, K.
Lintern, G.
Davies, S.
Mahaux, P.
Olsen, N.
Nguyen, H.
Rutherford, K.A.
2013/076 Maritimes
Within- and among-population genetic variation in Eastern Cape Breton Atlantic Salmon and the prioritization of populations for conservation (Salmo salar L.)
O'Reilly, P.
Rafferty, S.
Gibson, A.J.F.
2013/077 Central & Arctic
Standardized data collection methods in support of a classification protocol for the designation of watercourses as municipal drains
Mandrak, N.E.
Bouvier, L.D.
2013/078 Maritimes
Assessment of lobster (Homarus americanus) off southwest Nova Scotia and in the Bay of Fundy (Lobster Fishing Areas 34-38)
Tremblay, M.J.
Pezzack, D.S.
Gaudette, J.
Denton, C.
Cassista-Da Ros, M.
Allard, J.
2013/079 Maritimes
Georges Bank 'a' and Browns Bank 'North' Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Stock Assessment
Hubley, P.B.
Reeves, A.
Smith, S.J.
Nasmith, L.
2013/080 National Capital Region
Current Approaches for the Provision of Scientific Advice on the Precautionary Approach for Canadian Fish Stocks: Harvest Decision Rules
Kronlund, A.R.
Holt, K.R.
Shelton, P.A.
Rice, J.C.
2013/081 National Capital Region
Current approaches for the Provision of Scientific Advice on the Precautionary Approach for Canadian Fish Stocks: Section 8 – Management Strategy Evaluation
Kronlund, A.R.
Cleary, J.S.
Shelton, P.A.
Holt, K.R.
2013/082 Quebec
Assessment of Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima, in the coastal waters of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec - methodology and results
Brulotte, S.
2013/083 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a recovery potential assessment of Western Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus argyritis) in Canada
Watkinson, D.
2013/084 Central & Arctic
Recovery potential modelling of Western Silvery minnow (Hybognathus argyritis) in Canada
Young, J.A.M.
2013/085 Newfoundland & Labrador
Morphometric and meristic variability of wolffish (Anarhichas sp.) in Newfoundland and Labrador waters
Simpson, M.R.
Mello, L.G.S.
Miri, C.M.
2013/086 Quebec
Integrated report of the Ecosystem Research Initiative (ERI) in the Quebec Region for the project: Forage species responsible for the presence of rorqual whales in the St. Lawrence Lower Estuary
Gagné, J.-A.
Ouellet, P.
Savenkoff, C.
Galbraith, P.
Bui, A.O.V.
Bourassa, M.-N.
2013/087 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessing the status of the cod (Gadus morhua) stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps in 2012
Healey, B.P.
Murphy, E.F.
Brattey, J.
Morgan, M.J.
Maddock Parsons, D.
Vigneau, J.
2013/088 Newfoundland & Labrador
A pre-COSEWIC assessment of Porbeagle Shark (Lamna nasus) in Newfoundland and Labrador waters
Simpson, M.R.
Miri, C.M.
2013/089 Newfoundland & Labrador
Central & Arctic
An update on the biology, population status, distribution, and landings of wolffish (Anarhichus denticulatus, A. minor, and A. lupus) in the Canadian Atlantic and Arctic Oceans
Simpson, M.R.
Chabot, D.
Hedges, K.
Simon, J.
Miri, C.M.
Mello, L.G.S.
2013/090 Newfoundland & Labrador
Population viability analysis for the South Newfoundland Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) designatable unit
Robertson, M.J.
Weir, L.K.
Dempson, J.B.
2013/091 Newfoundland & Labrador
Capelin (Mallotus villosus) recruitment indices in NAFO Division 3KL
Nakashima, B.S.
Mowbray, F.K.
2013/092 Pacific
Pacific Ocean Perch (Sebastes alutus) stock assessment for the north and west coasts of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia
Edwards, A.M.
Haigh, R.
Starr, P.J.
2013/093 Pacific
Pacific Ocean Perch (Sebastes alutus) stock assessment for the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Edwards, A.M.
Haigh, R.
Starr, P.J.
2013/094 Pacific
Framework for Estimating Quota Options for the Red Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) Fishery in British Columbia Using Shoreline Length and Linear Density Estimates
Leus, D.
Campbell, A.
Merner, E.
Hajas, W.C.
Barton, L.L.
2013/095 Central & Arctic
Using electrofishing data to determine regional benchmarks of habitat productive capacity
Randall, R.G.
Cunjak, R.
Gibson, J.
Reid, S.
Velez-Espino, A.
2013/096 National Capital Region
Application of an Aquatic Plant Risk Assessment to Non-Indigenous Freshwater Plants in Trade in Canada
Gantz, C.A.
Mandrak, N.E.
Keller, R.P.
2013/097 Newfoundland & Labrador
A Review of Methods Used to Offset Residual Impacts of Development Projects on Fisheries Productivity
Loughlin, K.G.
Clarke, K.D.
2013/098 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Potential for Recovery of Smooth Skate (Malacoraja senta Garman 1885) in the Funk Island Deep Designatable Unit
Simpson, M.R.
Miri, C.M.
Mello, L.G.S.
Collins, R.K.
Bailey, J.A.
2013/099 Newfoundland & Labrador
Distribution and habitat associations of selected demersal fish species in the Laurentian Channel and Laurentian Area of Interest (AOI)
Kulka, D.W.
Templeman, N.
2013/100 Gulf
Review of the 2012 snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Areas 12, 19, 12E and 12F)
Hebert, M.
Wade, E.
DeGrâce, P.
Landry, J-F.
Moriyasu, M.
2013/101 Maritimes
Haddock on the Southern Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy in 2011 (NAFO Division 4X5Y)
Showell, M.A.
Themelis, D.
Mohn, R.K.
Comeau, P.
2013/102 Quebec
Recovery Potential Modelling of Anticosti Island Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) metapopulation
Brun, M.
Prevost, E.
2013/103 Central & Arctic
Information in support of a Recovery Potential Assessment of Lilliput (Toxolasma parvum) in Canada
Brun, M.
Prévost, É.
2013/104 Newfoundland & Labrador
Harvest rates and movements of cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO Divs. 3KL from tagging and acoustic telemetry
Brattey, J.
2013/105 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon returns to four rivers and harvests in various fisheries in Labrador for 2006-09
Reddin, D.G.
Poole, R.J.
Brown, V.
Lethbridge, R.
Mesher, H.
Pardy, M.
Lethbridge, B.
2013/106 Central & Arctic
Variation in morphology, life history and ecology of cisco in Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada
Howland, K.
Gallagher, C.
Boguski, D.
Chavarie, L.
Reist, J.
Rosenburg, B.
Wiley, S.
2013/107 Central & Arctic
Patterns of morphological diversity in ciscoes distributed within three of Manitoba's glacial relict lakes, with reference to Shortjaw Cisco (Coregonus zenithicus)
Boguski, D.A.
Murray, L.
Pratt, T.C.
Johnson, J.D.
Reist, J.D.
2013/108 Central & Arctic
Evaluating the current status of deepwater ciscoes (Coregonus spp.) in the Canadian waters of Lake Huron, 2002-2012, with emphasis on Shortjaw Cisco (C. zenithicus)
Mandrak, N.E.
Pratt, T.C.
Reid, S.
2013/109 Central & Arctic
Information to support the assessment of Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) in the Sylvia Grinnell River, Nunavut, 2009-2011
VanGerwen-Toyne, M.
Lewis, C.
Tallman, R.
Martin, Z.
Moore, J.-S.
2013/110 Central & Arctic
Assessment of measures to assess compensation and mitigation as related to the creation, rehabilitation, or restoration of spawning habitat for fluvial or lacustrine spawning salmonines
Fitzsimons, J.D.
2013/111 Gulf
The 2012 assessment of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) stock in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Areas 12, 19, 12E and 12F)
Hebert, M.
Wade, E.
DeGrâce, P.
Landry, J-F.
Moriyasu, M.
2013/112 Gulf
Update on trends in the abundance, distribution and size-composition of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in the September multi-species bottom trawl survey of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1980-2012
Benoît, H.P.
2013/113 Gulf
Methods and models used in the 2012 assessment of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), stock in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence
Wade, E.
Moriyasu, M.
Hebert, M.
2013/114 Gulf
Model-based estimation of commercial- sized snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) abundance in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1980-2012, using data from two bottom trawl surveys
Benoît, H.P.
Cadigan, N.
2013/115 Gulf
Summary of the 2012 multispecies snow crab trawl survey activities in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and preliminary results
Landry, J-F.
Wade, E.
Moriyasu, M.
Hébert, M.
2013/116 Maritimes
Scallop Fishing Area 29: Stock Status and Update for 2013
Smith, S.J.
Hubley, B.
Nasmith, L.
Denton, C.
Pezzack, D.
2013/117 Maritimes
A Monitoring Framework for the St. Anns Bank Area of Interest
Kenchington, T.J.
2013/118 Quebec
Mortality patterns in St. Lawrence Estuary beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), inferred from the carcass recovery data, 1983-2012
Lesage, V.
Measures, L.N.
Mosnier, A.
Lair, S.
Michaud, R.
Béland, P.
2013/119 Quebec
Causes of mortality in St. Lawrence Estuary beluga (Delphinapterus leuca) from 1983 to 2012
Lair, S.
Martineau, D.
Measures, L.N.
2013/120 Quebec
Temporal trends of PBDEs in adult and newborn beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St. Lawrence Estuary
Lebeuf, M.
Raach, M.
Measures, L.N.
Ménard, N.
Hammill, M.O.
2013/121 Pacific
Pre-COSEWIC Assessment of Interior Fraser Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Decker, A.S.
Irvine, J.R.
2013/122 National Capital Region
Evaluation of Five Freshwater Fish Screening-Level Risk Assessment Protocols and Application to Non-Indigenous Organisms in Trade in Canada
Mandrak, N.E.
Gantz, C.A.
Jones, L.A.
Marson, D.
Cudmore, B.
2013/123 Pacific
A Review of the Pathways-of-Effects Associated with the Removal and Release of Organic Material from Shellfish Aquaculture
Chamberlain, J.
Page, F.H.
2013/124 Quebec
Phycotoxin analyses in St. Lawrence Estuary beluga
Scarratt, M.
Michaud, S.
Measures, L.N.
Starr, M.
2013/125 Quebec
Exposure of the beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) to marine traffic under various scenarios of transit route diversion in the St. Lawrence Estuary
Lesage, V.
McQuinn, I.H.
Carrier, D.
Gosselin, J.-F.
Mosnier, A.
2013/126 Quebec
Trends in the trophic ecology of St. Lawrence beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) over the period 1988-2012, based on stable isotope analysis
Lesage, V.
2013/127 Quebec
An age-structured Bayesian population model for St. Lawrence Estuary beluga (Delphinapterus leucas)
Mosnier, A.
Doniol-Valcroze, T.
Gosselin, J.-F.
Lesage, V.
Measures, L.N.
Hammill, M.O.
2013/128 National Capital Region
National Risk Assessment for Introduction of Aquatic Nonindigenous Species to Canada by Ballast Water
Casas-Monroy, O.
Linley, R.D.
Adams, J.K.
Chan, F.T.
Drake, D.A.R.
Bailey, S.A.
2013/129 Quebec
Ecosystem perspective on changes and anomalies in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: a context in support of the management of the St. Lawrence beluga whale population
Plourde, S.
Galbraith, P.S.
Lesage, V.
Grégoire, F.
Bourdages, H.
Gosselin, J.-F.
McQuinn, I.H.
Scarratt, M.
2013/130 Quebec
St. Lawrence Estuary beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) population parameters based on photo-identification surveys, 1989-2012
Michaud, R.
2013/131 Central & Arctic
Recovery Potential Assessment for the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) for eastern Canada: recovery potential assessment population modelling
Young, J.A.M.
Koops, M.A.
2013/132 Central & Arctic
Newfoundland & Labrador
Recovery Potential Assessment for the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) in eastern Canada: functional description of habitat
Pratt, T.C.
Bradford, R.G.
Cairns, D.K.
Castonguay, M.
Chaput, G.
Clarke, K.D.
Mathers, A.
2013/133 Gulf
National Capital Region
Recovery Potential Assessment for the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) for eastern Canada: mitigation options
Chaput, G.
Cairns, D.K.
Bastien-Daigle, S.
LeBlanc, C.
Robichaud, L.
Turple, J.
Girard, C.
2013/134 Gulf
Central & Arctic
Newfoundland & Labrador
Recovery Potential Assessment for the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) for eastern Canada: life history, distribution, reported landings, status indicators, and demographic parameters
Cairns, D.K.
Chaput, G.
Poirier, L.A.
Avery, T.S.
Castonguay, M.
Mathers, A.
Casselman, J.M.
Bradford, R.G.
Pratt, T.C.
Verreault, G.
Clarke, K.
Veinnot, G
Bernatchez, L.
2013/135 Gulf
Newfoundland & Labrador
Central & Arctic
Recovery Potential Assessment for the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) for eastern Canada : description and quantification of threats
Chaput, G.
Pratt, T.C.
Cairns, D.K.
Clarke, K.D.
Bradford, R.G.
Mathers, A.
Verreault, G.
2013/136 Quebec
Data on Lobster (Homarus americanus) densities from Nephrops trawl surveys conducted off the Magdalen Islands, Quebec, from 1995 to 2012
Gendron, L.
Savard, G.
Bourassa, M.-N.
2013/137 Quebec
Analytical assessment of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in NAFO Subareas 3 and 4 in 2011
Grégoire, F.
Girard, L.
Beaulieu, J.-L.

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